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What is Graduate Milkround?

​One peculiarly British term when it comes to graduate recruitment is the “milkround”....

La Fosse launches Pro Bono advisor practice with 5 placements at major charities and NFPs

With cybersecurity front of mind for every organisation, La Fosse have launched a...

5 questions to ask before you build an architecture team

​IT Architecture captures a range of very different roles within its remit. How...

Ollie Whiting as Guest Editor for GoldSand Digital Connect Magazine

Our own Ollie Whiting, CEO, featured as Guest Editor of this edition of...

The 7 Deadly Sins of Implementing Business Agility event

La Fosse was delighted to host The 7 Deadly Sins of Implementing Agile...

Beam: Gift someone a fresh start

Beam is an initiative which helps homeless individuals crowdfund for specific goals, with...

Getting the most out of mobile teams (and what that means to you)

​Structuring mobile development teams can be challenging: how do you ensure quick releases...

Leadership, equality, and entrepreneurship

​La Fosse is proud to sponsor the third series of the hugely successful...

The ‘Cyber Skills Gap’​ is a myth

Now, some might argue I’m being purposefully inflammatory here with a clickbait title,...

Monolithic to microservices

Earlier this month, leaders met for the inaugural La Fosse Architecture Leadership Forum...

Robotic Process Automation: 3 key considerations

Robotic Process Automation: you’ve probably already read about it in 5 or 6...

Product, Design, and Discussion: 4 takeaways

La Fosse was delighted to host Product, Design, and Discussion: a roundtable where...